Learn About Many Advantages of a Mobile Cement Mixer

4 min readJul 21, 2022

Mobile cement mixers and mobile concrete mixers. Both are mostly used at construction sites. Mix various types of aggregates like lime, gravel, and sand. These machines can mix both concrete and cement, depending on your needs. All under one roof, ProAll International offers a variety of both.

The Working Concept Behind a Mobile Cement Mixer

A simple on-site mixer comprises a rotating cement mixer bowl along with a powered motor. That can spin the contents of the mixer bowl, and it has a handle. This handle is used by the machine operator to change the position of the bowl. When the mixture is ready to be poured onto the destination site. But remember to pour it only after the mixing process is completed to your satisfaction.

The Difference Between Cement and Concrete

Before we go into the details of the benefits of a mobile cement mixer. Let us get some basic knowledge about the difference between cement and concrete. Cement is a binding agent used to keep a variety of building materials together. The most commonly used cement types are Portland cement and asphalt cement. Cement may be in a dry, powdery form before water is added to it. Or a paste (mortar) that hardens and binds to whatever it comes into contact with.

Concrete is a long-lasting building material that uses cement as one of its components. It comprises four primary ingredients: cement; stone; sand; and water. Portland cement is one of the principal ingredients in concrete. With less water inside, concrete is strong. And subsequently, its strength suffers when more water is added.

Mobile Cement Mixers Are Handy

As the name suggests, both these cement and concrete mixers are handy. In other words, it is easy to mobilise them depending on the project requirements. You can also mount them on trucks to expedite the mobilisation process. ProAll International sells all the needed infrastructure to make this job easier for you. Not only that, but at ProAll we buy and sell both new and used concrete mobile volumetric mixers.

Reduces the Amount of Time Required for Mixing

This is the main reason that prompts real estate developers to opt for a mobile cement mixer. These revolutionary construction machines save time and effort due to increased automation. And developers can deliver projects on time. Along with getting rid of penalties that arrive with delays in project delivery.

These machines help workers mix the contents properly. And at the same time, help them focus on other important aspects of the project.

Financial Benefits

When these machines, i.e., mobile cement mixers and mobile concrete mixers, were not there. Aggregate mixing was manual work. Which was a time-consuming process and involved expensive labour at the same time. Now, with these machines on the job at hand. Mixing work requires comparatively less labour, leading to reduced labour costs.

Reduced Health Risks

As we all know that construction work especially talking about those working on-site takes a toll on health. The manual mixing of aggregates puts a physical strain on the joints of the human body. Moreover, there is an undefined amount of pressure on the shoulders.

On-site workers tend to suffer from irreversible back and shoulder pain with age. With the arrival of mobile cement mixers and mobile concrete mixers, this issue disappeared.

Ease of Use

No machine can succeed in the market. If the end user is unable to use it comfortably. One of the major benefits of ProAll International’s mixers is their ease of use. While designing and manufacturing them in our plants. We invite input and feedback from the end users and real estate industry personnel and incorporate their words into our end product before it lands on the market.

These ProAll machines are easy to use and require no special training. You can move these portable machines to the place. Where the construction is happening minus any hard effort. These mixers have a particular wheelbarrow base. Along with being smaller in size, that makes it easier to move around quickly. Therefore, it provides great flexibility to the workers.

These were some of the numerous benefits of using ProAll’s mobile mixers. For more information in this regard, reach us through our customer support number. Or drop a request for a call back through the contact us section.




ProAll delivers the flexibility, reliability and ease-of-use that can only be achieved by a ProAll mixer.